When the original Seattle flag was adopted, the resolution stated:
“The colors shall be white and teal… (the color of Puget Sound at dusk).”
The teal on the contemporary flag continues this symbolism.
The white on the contemporary Seattle Flag symbolizes the mountains encircling the city.
Waves of Puget Sound
Seven Puget Sound waves flowing into one another adorn the flag.
Their connection to one another represent our common bonds as Seattleites
Cal Anderson, Ruby Chow, Roberto Maestas, Kikisoblu, William Grose, Lizzie Ordway, and Carlos Bulosan are seven potential legacies to consider endowing in the symbolic seven waves of the Goodwill Symbol.
We invite the city of Seattle to engage in a community dialogue about deciding these seven Goodwill legacies.
Finalization of these legacies will be done through public approval.
The interconnection of the waves symbolize this passage from the Resolution adopting the current city flag.
“Whereas, the Goodwill Games and the Goodwill Arts Festival reaffirm the City’s belief that the future well being, if not survival of all citizens, is dependent upon our recognition of common bonds and shared responsibilities;”
Or in short, the connection between each wave symbolizes our common bonds.
Why Seattle Deserves a Beautiful City Flag
Learn about the history of Seattle establishing its current flag, flag design principles, and why design matters when sharing your passion for your community.